By AOS Team
October 31, 2024
Details: The top one inch of soil should get fairly dry before waterings and you should water enough so that it can sink deep into the soil but not runoff onto hardscapes. Deeper dive (more detailed): Watering usually 2-3 days a week produce the nicest lawns in Denver but it depends mostly on sun exposure whether too water less than that. A great practice is to set your watering times to go off twice a day on days you water. This will allow the water to soak into the ground better with less runoff. If you have good, even coverage from your irrigation system, standard fan sprayers usually run between 7-12 minutes for a once a day watering or 2 times at 3-5 minutes each time. If you have upgraded Roto nozzles (not rotary heads, different beast) you can run them continuously for roughly 18-30 min. Once you see run off, you should stop watering.